Muslim Terrorists vs Christian Terrorist the semi battle royale on The O’Reilly Factor

“The Watters’ World segment on The O’Reilly Factor generally provides a bit of levity in the midst of the more serious political debating, and occasionally gets just a tad awkward. Case in point, Jesse Watters talked to a convention of Muslims in a segment that aired on the 12th anniversary of 9/11. The end result was a somewhat awkward segment in which Watters grilled Muslims about acts of terrorism committed by Islamic extremists…”.* What about acts of terror from right wing extremists (imaginary, according to Bill O’Reilly)?

Anonymous Strikes Again! – Shuts down Florida Family Association website that targeted TLC’s show “All America Muslim”

Once again Anonymous proves it’s point by showing how vulnerable hate-mongers truly are.  A Conservative Christian group called The Florida Family Association, is being targeted by the international Internet hacktivist collective known as Anonymous for fear and hate mongering.  The FFA and other groups have apparently pressured Lowe’s and 65 other companies into pulling advertisements from a television program about American Muslims. Although some companies listed by the FFA as being part of their effort, have denied pulling ads from TLC’s show. On Monday, a hacktivist identified as ih@zcAnNONz , working under the banner of Anonymous and LulzSec issued a Pastebin release with email and IP addresses of Florida Family Association members who receive newsletters.  The Hacktivist also posted a sample of members credit card information which was offered  as concrete  proof of the hack.

As a bonus, Monday afternoon the Florida Family Association website was not available for some time, presumably because it was under siege, a victim of a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack conducted by sympathetic Anonymous enthusiasts.  Could Lowe’s be Next?
The following is an excerpt from that Anonymous Pastebin release:
Florida Family Association…Your hatred, bigotry and fear mongering towards Gays, Lesbians and most recently
Muslim Americans has not gone unnoticed!Anonymous will not stand for hate and divisive vitriol to be spread across our country and whenever we can…we will stop it…
FFA you managed to use your power to influence Lowe’s to follow you into your racist stupor and they too will answer for that…
For now, you will answer to it… as well as your unfortunate followers having personal information shared with the world so everyone can know how racist and hateful you all are.
I am going to assume most of the people who receive your newsletter, email you and make donations are potentially part of the 99%. They are likely lower middle class people who have been mislead by all of your bullshit and god talk…therefor they too are unwitting victims. So I will NOT share all of the Credit Card information I got.
I am though reading the emails and getting information on those who did donate to make sure they are not worthy of the scorn of Anonymous as well…if i find information such as anyone being a part of other hate groups such as the Klan or anything similar all bets are off for those people.
I want all of your followers to know though their information is NOT SAFE in your hands until you address your security issues.I AM ALSO GOING THROUGH ALL OF YOUR EMAILS RIGHT NOW…YOU SEEM TO GET AS MUCH OR MORE HATE MAIL THAN GOOD MAIL…HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL???
The News is Spreading fast across Cyberspace

Florida Family Association shuts down website, claims it was hacked

(Eric Deggans – Tampa Bay Times) When the conservative Florida Family Association helped persuade home improvement chain Lowe’s to drop ads in the TLC show All-American Muslim, the Tampa-based advocacy group saw pushback from a Muslim-centered civil rights group, a California state senator and actor Kal Penn.

But on Monday an FFA official said a computer hacker who claimed association with the infamous hacker group Anonymous forced them to shut down their website, amid concerns sensitive data could be stolen.

David Caton, executive director of the Florida Family Association, said his group shut down its website Monday night, leaving a simple text message for anyone visiting protesting that the attack is “destroying our free speech.”

Caton said the hackers worked through 15 levels of security to achieve a small breach into their online systems, prompting their webmaster to shut down the site to avoid further incursion.

Since news broke nationally that Lowe’s pulled its advertising from the program, Caton has been inundated with media attention, providing interviews for NPR, CNN, ABC News and Fox stations throughout Monday.

But the executive director said he has also gotten a death threat, and the group received an anonymous email about 12:30 p.m. Monday alerting them their site would be attacked.

“In a country that supposedly embraces free speech, those that oppose our position have no qualms about destroying our free speech,” said Caton. “This is the worst I’ve seen any group respond.”

A Twitter user with the handle @ihazcAnNONz posted messages Monday taunting the Florida Family Association, claiming to have downloaded information from their servers.

For weeks, the Florida Family Association has asked people to send emails to sponsors of the TLC show, asking companies to drop their commercials from the show.

The Florida Family Association’s email alerts denounce the program as “propaganda” that “hides the Islamic agenda’s clear and present danger to American liberties”; the show focuses on five Muslim families in Dearborn, Mich.

But the decision by Lowe’s drew criticism from rap impresario Russell Simmons, Harold and Kumar film star Kal Penn and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, among others.

“The show is about what it’s like to be a Muslim in America, and it touches on the discrimination they sometimes face,” California state Sen. Ted Lieu told the Associated Press. “And that kind of discrimination is exactly what’s happening here at Lowe’s.”

Liberal advocacy group created a petition asking advertisers to stay with the show and Lieu called for a boycott of Lowe’s, even after the company apologized for the controversy on its Facebook page.

The Florida Family Association Executive Director David Caton came back with a normal Fear and Hate Mongering response, which now appears on their website……..

The attack has been extremely mean spirited. In a country that supposedly embraces free speech, those that oppose our postion have no qualms about destroying our free speech. Yet, these same folks claim the Internet should not be restricted in any way. How the two conflicting postions can be reconciled in their minds is beyond comprehension. 

Because of our real concern for the terrorism that is a way of life for some folks, we ourselves have become victims. Because we urge others to be vigilant, we become the targets. Don’t let it happen folks, take a stand before it is too late. Please support Florida Family Association.

Well Davy boy, if you can’t stand the heat, what the hell you doing in the kitchen?