Never too Old to Occupy! Folk singer Pete Seeger, 92, joins Occupy Wall Street

(AP) NEW YORK — Folk music legend Pete Seeger and ’60s folk singer Arlo Guthrie joined Occupy Wall Street demonstrators in their campaign against corporate greed while residents near the protest park encampment pushed to regain some peace and quiet in their neighborhood.

Seeger joined in the Occupy Wall Street protest Friday night, replacing his banjo with two canes as he marched with throngs of people in New York City’s tony Upper West Side past banks and shiny department stores. The 92-year-old Seeger, accompanied by musician-grandson Tao Rodriguez Seeger, composer David Amram and bluesman Guy Davis, shouted out the verses of protest anthems as the crowd of about 1,000 people sang and chanted. They marched peacefully over more than 30 blocks from Symphony Space, where the Seegers and other musicians performed, to Columbus Circle.

Police watched from the sidelines. Occupy Wall Street began a month ago in lower Manhattan among a few young people, and has grown to tens of thousands around the country and the world.

A recent Associated Press-GfK poll says more than one-third of the country supports the Wall Street protesters, and even more — 58 percent — say they are furious about America’s politics.

Folk singer Pete Seeger, 92, joins Occupy Wall Street by marching from a concert at Symphony Space to Columbus Circle, in New York Friday, Oct. 21, 2011. Protesters sang his songs on the march, and in Columbus Circle he sang his songs with accompaniment from other musicians, notably his grandson, Tao Rodriguez-Seeger (far left). (AP Photo/Stephanie Keith)

5 comments on “Never too Old to Occupy! Folk singer Pete Seeger, 92, joins Occupy Wall Street

  1. Pingback: Pete Seeger, Arlo Guthrie in 99% Solidarity “This Little Light” « occupy blogosphere

  2. Seeing Pete here brought tears to my eyes.

    If anyone who reads this comment knows Pete Seeger, please ask him to write some new verses to his wonderful song, “Banks of Marble.”

    Pete sang it so many years ago — and with a few new verses, it would be perfect for the “Occupy” movement today. As the last verse of this song says: “Then we might own those banks of marble, with a guard at every door. And we would share those vaults of silver that we have sweated for!” Perfect.

    And if you do talk to Pete, please thank him for the many years of songs and spirit he has given to all of us. We love you, Pete! xoxoxo

  3. Pete Seeger overrated sclock, communist stooge. Truly an overrated person by every measure. But, if your a liberal, it is mandatory to love him.

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