MIC CHECK!!! – OCCUPY Des Moines gets vocal with Newt Gingrich; website OCCUPIED as well.

MIC CHECK!!!  Occupy Des Moines Mic Checks Newt Gingrich while he was receiving a key endorsement from Iowa House Speaker Kraig Paulson.  Although small in number, Occupy Des Moines did a great job disrupting  Gingrich’s acceptance speech. A bad day all around for Newt Gingrich because he not only got heckled and embarrassed, but his campaign website got OCCUPIED as well.  In a clever bit of IP redirection, when you try to go to NewtGingrich.com, you will be redirected to various sites across the internet with negative stories regarding Gingrich himself.  I tried to access NewtGingrich.com’s site 5 separate times and ended up in 5 different places, from The Atlantic, Washington Post, Youtube, etc.  It is unclear who actually hacked the website, but kudos to them!

The consistent pressure on Newt Gingrich from all sides including from within his own party ,  has decimated his standing as the GOP front-runner, and the long-time political insider is now experiencing a free fall in the polls no so dissimilar to Herman Cain‘s demise.

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Aliyah Shahid of The New york Daily News writes……..

Newt Gingrich‘s week just keeps getting worse.

The Republican presidential candidate – who has sunk in several polls over the past few days-was harassed Wednesday by Occupy Des Moines protesters during an endorsement event in Iowa.

Later, it got so heated that the ex-House Speaker was eventually chased down the stairwell of the state capitol and into his car, according to the Des Moines Register.

American’s Be Fruitful and OCCUPY!!!

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3 comments on “MIC CHECK!!! – OCCUPY Des Moines gets vocal with Newt Gingrich; website OCCUPIED as well.

  1. Pingback: Newt Gingrich heckled, grilled by OWS protesters in Iowa « Occupy The Airwaves

  2. Pingback: Newt Gingrich’s energy flip-flops are a case study in corruption « The Diary of a Lost Soul

  3. Pingback: Holy Herman Cain Batman! – Gingrich ex-wife: Newt wanted an open marriage « Reclaim America From The Lunatic Fringe!

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