[Occupy the Movie] We are all Scott Olsen – a short film by Corey Ogilvie

Original: http://www.youtube.com/TheOccupyMovie

Please share this and support the full length film. Share our crowd-funding campaign for OCCUPY THE MOVIE: ‪http://igg.me/p/53253?a=327792

We hope to be entirely funded by the 99%, so your help creating BUZZ in social media is much appreciated
Thanks for your support, anything helps!

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Inspired by Scott Olsen, please share!
Music by:
Johann Johannsson – buy amazing song here –
This Will Destroy You – buy amazing song here

Special thanks to Grounded TVhttp://getgrounded.tv

Say It Ain’t So! – Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters

Everybody’s favorite media whipping boy Andrew Breitbart, thinks he is a one man army, and tries in vain to take on Occupy Protesters at CPAC 2012.

from The Huffington Post……..

Andrew Breitbart is angry.

On Friday night, the conservative muckraker accosted activists who were protesting the 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference. Emily Crockett of Campus Progress was on hand to capture the remarkable tirade on video.

Breitbart screamed at the protesters to ‘behave yourself’ repeatedly. He also called the protesters freaks and animals and told them to ‘stop raping people.’

Who Dropped The SOPA? – Why The MSM has virtually ignored SOPA/PIPA just 1 day after the major protest against it!

Something really big happened yesterday, where hundreds of websites blacked out their content in protest of these two really bad pieces of legislation working their way through the House and the Senate but the mainstream media seemed to have forgotten all about it today. Yesterday Alyona was half heartedly congratulating the mainstream media for finally paying attention to SOPA and Protect IP, but as she predicted yesterday, that didn’t last long.

Two Can Play at that game! – The Occupy Movement debuts it’s own UAV drone force

Occupy Wall Street‘s new drone: ‘The Occucopter’

With all the news about UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or Drones in the news, it was just a matter of time until these devices would be available to the general public.  Perhaps one of the most innovate use of theses moderately priced over-the-counter drones is being utilized by the Occupy Movement.

The Guardian UK writes……..

Drones have been utilized by police in the past to monitor large crowds of protesters but this might be the first time a drone has been used by protesters to monitor the police. Tim Pool has modified a Parrot AR Drone to provide a live feed of Occupy Wall Street from above, offering an angle unique from all the other Occupy live feeds already providing footage of the protests across the globe.

The Parrot AR Drone is a fairly inexpensive quadracopter which can be piloted via a smartphone or iPad. Its built-in video camera and $300 price tag make it a pretty accessible tool for protesters, no matter what the cause.

According to The Guardian, Pool is attempting to make it so multiple people in a crowd can assume control of the drone, just in case the pilot gets busted by the police. He also hopes to create a 3G controller to allow people to pilot the drone remotely.

As the line between advanced surveillance drone and remote control toy blur, we can probably expect to see a lot more amateurs fiddling with drones like this in the future.

The overwhelming amount of video footage of the Occupy protests – including that of the UC Davis pepper spraying incident – has mainly been enabled by technology like YouTube and smartphone cameras, tools that protesters in past decades never had access to. Now we can start expecting wide, sky-high shots of the drama as well.

American’s Be Fruitful and OCCUPY!!!

and please don’t forget to “Like”

Occupy Cyberspace-American Autumn’s

 blog and Facebook Fan page!

MIC CHECK!!! – OCCUPY Des Moines gets vocal with Newt Gingrich; website OCCUPIED as well.

MIC CHECK!!!  Occupy Des Moines Mic Checks Newt Gingrich while he was receiving a key endorsement from Iowa House Speaker Kraig Paulson.  Although small in number, Occupy Des Moines did a great job disrupting  Gingrich’s acceptance speech. A bad day all around for Newt Gingrich because he not only got heckled and embarrassed, but his campaign website got OCCUPIED as well.  In a clever bit of IP redirection, when you try to go to NewtGingrich.com, you will be redirected to various sites across the internet with negative stories regarding Gingrich himself.  I tried to access NewtGingrich.com’s site 5 separate times and ended up in 5 different places, from The Atlantic, Washington Post, Youtube, etc.  It is unclear who actually hacked the website, but kudos to them!

The consistent pressure on Newt Gingrich from all sides including from within his own party ,  has decimated his standing as the GOP front-runner, and the long-time political insider is now experiencing a free fall in the polls no so dissimilar to Herman Cain‘s demise.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Aliyah Shahid of The New york Daily News writes……..

Newt Gingrich‘s week just keeps getting worse.

The Republican presidential candidate – who has sunk in several polls over the past few days-was harassed Wednesday by Occupy Des Moines protesters during an endorsement event in Iowa.

Later, it got so heated that the ex-House Speaker was eventually chased down the stairwell of the state capitol and into his car, according to the Des Moines Register.

American’s Be Fruitful and OCCUPY!!!

and please don’t forget to “Like”

Occupy Cyberspace-American Autumn’s

 blog and Facebook Fan page!

“This is what they do in banana republics and undemocratic societies” – The Ray Lutz arrest over Voter Registration

“This is what they do in banana republics and undemocratic societies.”—former San Diego City Attorney Mike Aguirre, calling arrest a violation of the Civil Rights Act and the First Amendment

November 28, 2011 (San Diego)—Attorneys, civil rights activists and community leaders tonight are expressing outrage at the arrest tonight of Ray Lutz, former Democratic Congressional candidate who ran against Duncan Hunter in 2010 seeking to represent East County.

San Diego Police arrested Lutz late today for refusing to remove a voter registration table at the Civic Center Plaza downtown (dubbed “Freedom Plaza” by Occupy San Diego protesters). View arrest video.

Lutz greeted voters after his debate with Duncan Hunter in 2010Former San Diego City Attorney Mike Aguirre, in an exclusive interview with East County Magazine, called the arrest a violation of Title 42, Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act, which prevents the state from denying voting rights, as well as the First Amendment constitutional right to free speech.

“Every San Diegan, whether the most conservative Republican or the most liberal Democrat, should be concerned that someone registering voters could be arrested on the city’s civic plaza because Republicans and Democrats register voters there, as do all parties,” Aguirre said. “This is the most constitutionally protected activity that you can engage in.”

Aguirre said registering voters is a protected activity on both public and private property open to the public. “In this case, it is so obvious that this person was singled out for political beliefs,” he said. “This kind of excess really gives us the opportunity to draw people’s attention to the dangers of a police state…Is there any member of the City Council that’s going to speak out?”

Activists gather before press conference tonightThe former City Attorney suggested media should submit public records requests to find out who, if anyone, at City Hall instructed San Diego Police to arrest Lutz for setting up a voter registration table. “This is what they do in banana republicans and undemocratic societies,” he noted. Aguirre added that both the City and the property owner could be liable for violations of Lutz’s rights.

East County Magazine has sent a list of questions to San Diego Police and Mayor Sanders, but has not yet received a response from either office.

“When they interrupt someone who is doing lawful voter registration, this is going too far,” Jess Durfee, chairman of the San Diego County Democratic Party, told ECM. Durfee raised the issue of selective enforcement, noting that for years, both Republicans and Democrats have set up registration tables and booths in the very same location each month to register new citizens after the naturalization ceremonies “Will this affect our ability to register voters?”asked Durfee, who added that he suspects Mayor Jerry Sanders is “calling the shots and having San Diego Police do these actions that are a deterrent to the Occupy movement.”

Lutz, an organizer in Occupy San Diego, has also done voter registration for many years as a member of the Democratic Party Central Committee. He sent a letter yesterday to CB Ellis, owner of the building at 1200 Third Ave., asking to use the square to register voters as a peaceful political activity.

Police singled out Lutz for arrest today, taking no action against others gathered for an Occupy San Diego event.

A video on YouTube shows a police officer stating Lutz was arrested for “trespass” despite the fact that he held up a copy of a California Supreme Court case (Robins vs. Pruneyard) which ruled that people have a constitutional right to register voters in public places and even on private property that is open to the public. The case references the importance of the “public square” role, which would clearly apply to the Civic Center Plaza, where City Hall is located.

Although there is some question whether Lutz had his table set up on the public or private portion of the Plaza, the law provides protection in either case, attorneys consulted agreed.

At issue is the table Lutz used, since San Diego Police have claimed the right to arrest protesters who set tents or any other objects on the ground. But a table filled with voter registration materials has protections under the U.S. Constitution, trumping local laws, legal experts say.

Attorney Rachel Scoma, director of programs for Canvass for a Cause, said Lutz was “targeted because of his activism, because of his community involvement, as he was practicing his civic duty.” She noted that her group has gone to court before, winning the right to register voters in front of Target stores.

“What we saw today was at least five police officers participating in the arrest of one man,” said Scoma, who is also a member of the Occupy movement. Calling the message of economic inequality “too important to be silenced,” she vowed, “This ends tomorrow at 10 a.m. when we will be registering voters. And we will be doing so with a table and a chair.”

The City was already facing pending lawsuits alleging selective enforcement and violation of the constitutional right to peaceful protest with regard to other Occupy arrests (at least 114 prior to today).

Photos taken by ECM photographer Ron Logan this evening showed other Occupy protesters with backpacks and other belongings on the ground, ignored by police who were present. A chalk artist painting a mural on the pavement was also allowed to continue his creative expression.

An Occupy member who calls himself “Chaplain Ron” said an officer told him that police are now interested in high-profile leaders in order to demoralize the movement. The chaplain said he “quoted Jesus” an example of why overthrowing a leader doesn’t work.

This is not the first brush with notoriety for Lutz. During his 2010 campaign, after Hunter refused early debates, Lutz staged a hunger strike that drew national attention including a CNN interview.  The El Cajon resident is also past president of th East County Democratic Club and founder of Citizens Oversight Projects (COPS), a citizens watchdog organization. COPS has been responsible for pushing some local boards to comply with sunshine laws including the Brown Act and forced the El Cajon City Council to remove religious videos off a city-run TV station after counsel found them to be a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Steve WhitburnStephen Whitburn, a journalist who has run for San Diego’s City Council in the past, said he is “deeply concerned about the way our city leadership is using this city’s police force. Our good men and women who serve on the San Diego Police Department signed up to protect and serve the citizens of this city. Arresting somebody for registering voters on the Civic Center Concourse does absolutely nothing to protect anybody from anything,” he said at the press conference.

“What is just as disturbing about this is the clear violation of California Law,” Whitburn added. “It is very disturbing to see the city of San Diego use its police department as a police state.”

Whitburn called on citizens of San Diego to let Mayor Sanders, Councilmembers and Police know that “we will not be intimidated by having he city authority attempt to abrogate our fundamental constitutional civil liberties. Won’t happen. Won’t stand for it. Won’t tolerate it,” he concluded. “We will stand up.”

By Miriam Raftery and Ron Logan – East County Magazine

Occupy San Diego has listed the following contacts for concerned citizens:

Mayor Jerry Sanders office: (619) 236-6330 jerrysanders@sandiego.gov
San Diego Police Department: (619) 531-2000
San Diego Police Chief Lansdowne: (619) 531-2777

You Can’t Pepper Spray A Mental Awakening

We Occupiers have been attacked from every angle, but we’re still here. Here’s why…

Operation Fox Hunt: In Response to the Anti-Occupy Wall Street Propaganda, Anonymous targets Fox News

Could Anonymous be targeting the Granddaddy of all Right-Wing Media Fox News? Let's Hope So.

Web Sources point to Anonymous possibly targeting the Fox News Network.  All i can say is… It’s about time! Expect Us!

[Disclaimer: The validity of this videos  content has yet to be confirmed]